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2022 Prophetic Word: Wisdom and Discernment of Top Priority

Writer's picture: Nicole ZochNicole Zoch

Updated: Feb 20, 2023

I have been sitting with the Lord over the last two-months asking Him what His Church can expect in this Jewish New Year of 5782, and as we move into our calendar year of 2022. What I've come to see is that we are going to need to 'buckle up' as things continue to accelerate and increase in pace over the coming years. Prophecies will flow in increased measure so this word is by no means exhaustive. I sense God is only giving us 'bite-sizes' in this season so we can more easily weigh up and discern what He is saying. Of greatest importance right now, and a prophecy that is weaved into every other word I am sharing today, is this:


The Spirit of God has been impressing strongly the importance of seeking His wisdom and discernment as a matter of great importance for the times ahead. The Lord said:

“ My beloved I urge you to seek a greater measure of My wisdom and discernment in this season as a matter of top priority. Ask for it and I will give it to you (James 1:5). For there will be an increased rise of counterfeit spirits like never before seen (Matthew 24:24). It will be increasingly more difficult in these last days to discern truth from lies without the power and wisdom of My Spirit".
"I am Wisdom. I cry out in the streets to be heard, so heed My counsel. I'll share my heart with you and make you wise (refer Proverbs 1:20,23)".
"So Take My Words to heart. Don’t turn your back on Wisdom for she will protect you. Love Her, and she will guard you. Getting wisdom [in this era] is the wisest thing you can do! And whatever else you do, develop good judgment [discernment]. (Proverbs 4:6-7).
"So If anyone has ears to hear, let them hear. For there is nothing that is hidden that won’t be disclosed, and there is no secret that won’t be brought out into the light. So be diligent to understand the meaning behind everything you hear, for as you do, more understanding will be given to you...For those who listen with open hearts will receive more revelation" (refer Mark 4:22-25).

This word was further confirmed in a dream I had in mid-October where I was confronted by a counterfeit spirit who was imitating Wisdom. In this dream, there was also a deceiving spirit that came in the form of a wooden gift horse that the Spirit of God showed me represented a Trojan Horse. The Lord then gave me this warning:

“Watch out for the rise of the Trojan horse in this era. This deceiving spirit will look like a ‘gift’ - it will seem sweet at first but will always turn sour. It is counter My plans and it is the same spirit that tempted and deceived Eve to eat from the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden - it is a spirit assigned against the destinies of My people" (Genesis 3).
"This deceiving spirit is also designed to cause people to turn from the true faith, and it will manipulate people with false signs and wonders. See that I have warned you ahead of time to seek my wisdom and discernment as a matter of top priority so that you will not fall prey to any form of deception" (1 Timothy 4:1, Matthew 24:24).

The Era of Parallel

The Spirit of God has also been speaking to me about the 'Era of Parallels'.

Increased Glory -vs- Increased Darkness

The Lord showed me that we are in an era where Holy Spirit will become more intimately known by the Church and out of that intimacy we can expect a greater move of His power. We have entered a Joel 2 fulfillment season whereby the Spirit of God will be poured out on all who believe - both old and young alike. We will see increased dreams and visions and prophecies. There will be an increase in spiritual activity - both for good and evil (Joel 2:28-31).

Wisdom and discernment will be vital in this season to steward well the revelation-secrets the Lord shares with us. I’ve had an overwhelming number of dreams in the past two-months that speak of end-time disasters, governmental control and collapses. This shouldn't come as a surprise as Jesus forewarns us of what is to come in Matthew 24. But rather than release every word we get, it will be vital in this season to pray for a Mary-heart to safeguard the treasures the Lord gives us as Mary did at the birth of Jesus, prayerfully meditating upon and discerning what He wants us to do with His treasures, and to whom we share them with (Luke 2:19)

It is also a 'second act of the book of Acts' season. The more God's beloved seek an intimate union with the Spirit of God, the more we will begin to see greater demonstrations of His “signs and wonders, all kinds of powerful miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit” (Hebrews 2:4). We can expect the same anointing and result as the first-century believers received through the power of Holy Spirit overflowing in their lives, and which saw a great revival and a huge kingdom-harvest (refer book of Acts). The Lord said:

"In this hour, My people will be known as 'Influencers'. For I will cause My glory to fall upon them, and appear over them in greater measure. And as My glory, that is full of purity and light, falls upon My people, it will cut through the darkest of darkness that is coming to blanket the earth, and many who are in this dark covering will by drawn to the light that My people will bear". (Isaiah 60:1-4).

The Lord then reminded me of Isaiah 43:19:

"Behold I am doing a new thing in this era ... expect the unexpected" (Isaiah 43:19).

At the same time as Holy Spirit will be moving in His people in a greater increase of His power and freedom and in unexpected ways, the Lord wants us to be wise in this season. We are not to be ignorant to the increased dark spiritual activities that will also be on the rise. The Lord said:

"Be sober minded and awake in this season, for the enemy prowls around like a roaring lion looking for his next victim to devour. Keep vigilant watch. Seek My wisdom and discernment as a matter of priority. And in all things, pray in the spirit - keep praying for all My beloved. Do not forsake one another in this hour, but keep encouraging one another especially as you anticipate the day of My return that draws ever near" (1 Peter 5:8, Ephesians 6:18, Hebrews 10:25)".

Matthew 24 -vs- Matthew 25 Era

The Lord also showed me that we are in a 'Matthew 24 and Matthew 25 Parallel Era and part of getting ready, and waiting for our Bridegroom's return, (Matthew 25:1-13) includes our being prepared for the difficult times ahead as Jesus forewarns us in Matthew 24.

The five wise and ready maidens who kept watch for their groom's arrival in the Matthew 25 parable had ample oil in their lamps. They were fully equipped with what they needed in order to be ready for their groom's return. This is a foreshadowing illustration of the bride of Christ who will have made herself ready by the time Jesus returns, and who will be overflowing in the last days with the anointing of His Spirit (often symbolized in Scripture as oil). The Lord says this:

"Do not fear the perilous times ahead. I have equipped you through the power of My Spirit in these last days so you can be My witness to the nations, and bear My light in the darkness. These things I have spoken must come to pass before I return, so be vigilant and stay alert, but do not fear. For I am with you even to the end of days" (Matthew 24, Isaiah 60:1-4, Matthew 28:20).

Modern Day John the Baptists

The Lord has shown me that in this era, we are paralleling John the baptist’s 'prepare the way for the coming of the Lord's' ministry. Where John came as a witness to point the way to Jesus’ first coming (John 1), we are the modern-day John the baptists who are preparing the way for the second coming of the Lord. This means we can expect more kingdom-building opportunities that God will open up in this era, for the harvest is ripe but the workers are few (Matthew 9:37). This means its all hands on deck in this era to usher in the promised harvest!

In particular, we will see more apostolic/prophetic movements emerge that will have a great influence on kingdom building. These new moves of God will be birthed out of fresh, new creativity that the Lord is igniting in many, in this era (Hebrews 10:24-25).

We will also see more tearing down of structures, strongholds, and pillars in order to rebuild out of a brand new, never before seen "thing" (Isaiah 43:19). This will require a further doing away of the old, deadwood in order to make way for the new fruitful branches that will usher in the promised harvest (Isaiah 18:5, John 15:2).

Double in 2022

The Lord has also emphasized the double digits of 22 to me for this new year. The number two can represent double, twins, or pairs. It can be identical or it can be two opposite sides. Again we will see the Lord's generous heart pour out blessing on His faithful servants in this season. Many will receive a double portion blessing in the coming year for the Lord has seen your faithfulness, and heard your cries. (1 Samuel 1:5, 2 Kings 2:9, Isaiah 61:7, Job 42:1).

God is also re-positioning many others into a place of position which will come with a Joseph anointing in order to be a blessing in return. He will give us warnings and blueprint strategies so we can be prepared, make appropriate plans, and then bless those in our atmosphere of influence, just as Joseph did. This won't just be in the marketplace. It will be in many different platforms where you have opportunity of influence. (Genesis 41, 1 Samuel 20:20-22, 1 Kings 20:22, 2 Chronicles 20:20-22, Proverbs 20:22).

In contrast, be aware of any double-vision the enemy wants to cast. He would have us second-guess ourselves in areas of authority - such as ministry, destiny, politics, faith, beliefs, worthiness, etc. Where the Lord would have you be blessed and be a blessing in return, the enemy will try to blur the truth and cause a double-mindedness to set in. A “double vision” will be caused if we allow extreme fatigue to set in or when our faith becomes weakened. The Lord says:

It will be imperative in this season for My beloved to enter into My promised rest, shelter under My wings, and hold My Word close to your heart letting My Word be a lamp to your feet, and a light to your path. This will help combat doubt and fear that could cause My beloved to stumble.
It will be in the rest and in resting in My Word that you will receive more of My blueprint strategies to combat the enemy’s ploys. Rest is an essential form of battle weaponry in this season and will enable faith to arise over fear". (Hebrews 4, Psalms 91, Proverbs 4, Psalms 119:105)

The Lord would also have us combat any double-mindedness by asking for wisdom, followed by being sure that our faith is in God alone. James 1:5-8 reminds us that we can not divide our loyalty between God and the world because this causes us to be unsettled and unstable (double-minded with double vision) in everything we do.

Open and Closed Doors

The year 5782 / 2022 will be an Isaiah 22:22 year. Many may have already experienced this over the past couple of months, but Jesus is inviting us to ask Him, in accordance with our Father's will, for "opened doors that no man can close and closed doors that no man can open".

A Rise of the Next Generation

Finally, there is an urgent call for the older generations to champion, stand guard, pray, and intercede on behalf of this rising generation in this era. I have had numerous dreams throughout 2020 and 2021 that reveal that the enemy will be focused on our children in this season. I sense a deep cry in the hearts of mothers in particular (Jeremiah 31:15-17), so the Lord is urging the mothers and fathers - and all older generations - to pray for this rising generation and keep a vigilant watch over them, laying hands upon them and anointing them as they rise up in this hour.

We can expect to see an increased anointing on these young ones who will prophesy, dream and see visions at an increased level (Joel 2:28-30). The Lord has shown me that He will use these young ones in a brand new way to further His kingdom, so pay particular attention to how this next generation creates, and what they share.

The Lord spoke through a dream I had late 2020 and said:

“I am giving this rising generation an entrepreneurial spirit that is different to what previous generations are used to, but it is necessary for this new era that we are in. So do not smother them. They will emerge victorious in their own way. Though they will be faced with incredible opposition, nevertheless they will face the enemy head-on with the boldness of a lion. So be alert on their behalf. Stay awake. And be ready to support their battles through prayer and intercession.
And do not fear for this rising generation. I have written My law upon their hearts (Jeremiah 31:33), and they are emerging as mighty warriors. They are bold and strong, and they will be victorious”.

I pray this word encourages you to see this New Year as an opportunity to arise and shine the glory of the Lord and allow Holy Spirit to set you ablaze - full of His glory and light that can cut through the darkest of darkness.

Holy Spirit yearns to be known intimately in this hour. He is Wisdom and Revelation, Truth and Discernment. He is all-powerful and Scripture tells us that "where He is Lord, there is freedom" (2 Corinthians 3:18 TPT). Holy Spirit wants to supply us with all the wisdom needed for this era, so I encourage you to seek His wisdom and discernment as a matter of top priority. In fact, I encourage you to begin by weighing up and discerning this very word as 1 Thessalonians 5:20-21 beseeches us to do with all prophecy:

"Do not quench the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil".

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