Helouise, Private
I am busy reading your first book 'Having Faith'. Finished 'In The Cool Of The Day' already. So easy reading and so encouraging to walk daily with our Papa. Thank you for being obedient and persevering with writing these books.
Larissa, Amazon AUS
"Like eating a home-cooked meal for your soul"...
'In The Cool Of The Day' has been written by a woman that you can feel wants to nurtue your soul in each page. As Christians it's imperative in this day and age to feed ourselves with life-giving messages, that will bring light to our path. You will get this with this beautifully written book of Nicole's.
Georgina, Private
In The Cool Of The Day is a struggle to put down most nights — I'm enjoying it so much!.. It would make the perfect Christmas gift. Nicole is also very kind and offers prayer for others, something I believe we all need with the way the world is behaving in these chaotic times.

Melanie - Good Reads
In The Cool Of The Day takes the reader on a peaceful and restful walk with God. It is a book to savor, reread and enjoy the calm that each page brings...I particularly love Nicole Zoch's personal conversations with God that she kindly shares. Thanks to our union with Jesus, we can all enjoy walks with God or a 'cuppa with my Pappa'...Reading about her walks along the beach and how being present led to further presence with God, is truly beautiful. I have been inspired to take time to simply walk with God, enjoy His blessings and be in nature.
In The Cool Of The Day is unlike any other book I have read. It popped up and I felt compelled to request it from the Publisher. God spoke to me. Nicole Zoch speaks from her heart and as a woman of faith. In The Cool Of The Day is an exploration of life and faith. It reminds us to rest and the importance of being Mary not Martha. 'Be still and know' Psalm 46:10.
Crystal, Good Reads
Through her inspired God-conversations and miraculous encounters, Nicole Zoch's book 'In The Cool Of The Day' will encourage you to seek out more of your Creator God, and yearn to be in His presence communing with Him in the cool of your very own day however and whenever that might be.

Marlies, Private
Wonderful insights into sitting at the feet of Jesus - a wonderful title, beautiful cover, and inspirational content. In The Cool Of The Day will bless everyone who reads it - and that definitely includes men. So much to learn from the lives of all those depicted in this book! May God bless you with inspiration for your third book.
Penny, Private
Wow! Just finished reading In The Cool Of The Day filled with nuggets of gold and timely scriptural parallels...A courageous faith-filled read inspiring others to go deeper and get into sync with the Holy Spirit. What a journey!...Thank you, Lord, for giving Nicole 'the edge' in your kingdom that will strengthen, heal, minister, and bless her and others in abundance! Will re-read to glean more in due course! Thank you for your indescribable gift!
Diana, Amazon AUS
This book noticeably improved and impacted my faith level in every chapter. I'm grateful to Nicole for going through all this and sharing it with the world. Her testimony and insights are powerful and I highly recommend this book for anyone walking through a trial or wanting to encourage someone walking through a trial. How inspiring and impactful this book will be to you. Buy it now.